Lost and Found 失而复得

Lost and Found 失而复得

2017-09-11    15'21''

主播: 爱四月的璐丸子

186 4

一只孤独的企鹅和小男孩的故事~ Lost and Found --- 失而复得 Once there was a boy 从前有一位小男孩 Who found a penguin at his door 他在家门口发现了一只企鹅 The boy didn’t know where it had come from, but it began to follow him everywhere. 他不知道这只企鹅哪里来的,但是企鹅从此就一直跟着这个小男孩。 The penguin looked sad and the boy thought it must be lost. 企鹅看起来很悲伤,小男孩想它肯定是迷路了。 So the boy decided to help the penguin find its way home. He checked in the Lost and Found Office. But no one was missing a penguin. 所以小男孩决定帮这只企鹅找到回家的路,他去失物招领处询问过,但是没有人遗失/丢失过一只企鹅 He asked some birds if they knew where the penguin came from . But they ignored him. Some birds are like that. 他问一些小鸟,这只企鹅是从哪里来的, 但是它们都不理他。 有些小鸟就是那么不爱理人。 The boy asked his duck. But the duck floated away. He didn’t know either. That night, the boy couldn’t sleep for disappointment. He wanted to help the penguin but he wasn’t sure how. 这个小男孩问他的玩具鸭子,但是玩具鸭子游走了,它也不知道。 那天晚上,小男孩因为失望而无法入睡,他想帮助企鹅,但是却不知道怎么帮。 The next morning he discovered that penguins come from the South Pole. But how could he get there? He ran down to the harbor and asked a big ship to take them to the South Pole. But his voice was much too small to be heard over the ship’s horn. 第二天早上,他发现企鹅是来自南极。 但他怎么才能去那儿呢? 他跑去港口,让大船带着他们去南极。 但他的声音太小了,被大船的汽笛声淹没,根本听不见。 Together, the boy decided, he and the penguin would row to the South Pole. So the boy took his rowboat out and tested it for size and strength. He told stories to the penguin to help pass the time. Then they packed everything they would need... and pushed the rowboat out to sea. 男孩决定他要和企鹅划船到南极, 然后他把他的小船拖出来,测量了尺寸和强度。 一边给企鹅讲故事,以打发时间。 然后收拾好所有他们需要的东西,然后把小船推到海里。 They rowed south for many days ... and many nights. There was lots of time for stories, and the penguin listened to every one, so the boy would always tell another. 他们向南划了很多天和很多个夜晚,有很多时间讲故事,企鹅听了每一个故事,所以小男孩就一个接一个的讲下去。 They floated through good weather and bad, when the waves were as big as mountains. 他们在海上漂过了一个个好的天气和坏的天气,有的时候海浪高的像山那么大。 Until, finally, they came to the South Pole. The boy was delighted, but the penguin said nothing. Suddenly it looked sad again as the boy helped it out of the boat. 终于,他们到达了南极圈。男孩很高兴,但企鹅什么都没说。当男孩帮助企鹅跳下船的时候,企鹅看起来突然又有点伤心。 Then the boy said good-bye.. and floated away. When he looked back, the penguin was still there. But it looked sadder than ever. 小男孩说了再见后就坐船漂走了。当他回头看的时候,企鹅还站在那里。但是它看起来比以往更伤心了。 It felt strange for the boy to be on his own. There was no point telling stories now, because there was no one to listen except the wind and the waves instead, he just thought. And the more he thought... the more he realized he had made a big mistake. The penguin hadn’t been lost, it had just been lonely. 男孩只剩下自己一个人,他也觉得心里怪怪的。他想着,现在讲故事已经毫无意义了。因为没有谁会听,除了风和海浪。 他越想,就越觉得自己犯了一个天大的错误。那个企鹅没有迷路。它只是孤独。 Quickly he turned the boat around and rowed back to the South Pole as fast as he could. At last he reached the Pole again... but where was the penguin? The boy searched and searched, but he was nowhere to be found. 他很快地掉转船头,以他所能最快的速度划回南极。最后,他又划回南极圈了。 但是,那只企鹅在哪儿。男孩找啊找啊,哪里都没有企鹅的影子。 Sadly, the boy set off for home. But then the boy saw something in the water ahead of him. Closer and closer he got, until he could see... 男孩伤心之下决定启程回家。但是他看见前面水里有什么东西,越来越近,越来越近,直到他能够看清楚。。。 ... the penguin, and so the boy and his friend went home together. Talking of wonderful things all the way. 是,是企鹅。 然后,那个男孩和他的朋友,一起回家了。一路上他们都在讲着各种好玩美好的事情。