No.211【现代歌】 0.vers(澤野弘之)夜谭第3夜末尾中的BGM,超爱

No.211【现代歌】 0.vers(澤野弘之)夜谭第3夜末尾中的BGM,超爱

2015-10-09    05'29''

主播: 轻薄霍霍

898 14

《0.vers》歌词: I never meant to make you so numb 我从未有意让您失去知觉 Even though i want to see you smile again 虽然我想要再次看见您的笑颜 Toyed with in their deep plots like a doll 像个玩偶一样在他们的阴谋中被玩弄 Eyes won't sparkle no more 眼睛不再闪耀光芒 You're our only Messiah, but it was just my desire 您是我们唯一的弥赛亚【救世主】,但这只是我的期望 My heart bled at the sight 看见这幅情景我的心在淌血 That brought me torture over and over 它给我带来折磨,一次又一次 How dare you decided he's the ONE 您怎敢决定他是唯一 All my tears've been run out 我的眼泪都已流尽 My life has turned too dusty like vampire 我的生命变得如吸血鬼般干枯无味 I'm gonna rust out and struggle in the flame of fire 我将要锈蚀,在那火光中挣扎 All my fears had been stained 我的恐惧已被玷污 But my scars are still remained 我的伤痕却仍然存留 How much i've got to lose? 我将要失去多少啊? My dear, where's a ray of hope? 我亲爱的【公主】,哪里有一线希望呢? Found my self fallen in the dark side of Mars From my dead asleep dreaming 熟睡梦中发现自己坠落在火星的黑暗一侧 Why i swear fake allegiance to that girl 为什么我向那个女孩宣示了虚假的忠诚 Until i let you down 直到我使您失望 There's no sound of your breathing 再也听不见您的呼吸 Still your room is so freezing 您的房间还是那么的冰冷 My heart bled at the sight 看见这幅情景我的心在淌血 That brought me torture over and over 它给我带来折磨,一次又一次 It's something i must live with everyday 这是我每天所必须忍受的 Now i know there's no way out 现在我知道我已无路可走 My life has turned too dusty like vampire 我的生命变得如吸血鬼般干枯无味 I'm gonna rust out and struggle in the flame of fire 我将要锈蚀,在那火光中挣扎 All my fears had been stained 我的恐惧已被玷污 But my scars are still remained 我的伤痕却仍然存留 How much i've got to lose? 我将要失去多少啊? My dear, where's a ray of hope? 我亲爱的【公主】,哪里有一线希望呢? How does it comes to the perfect end 完美的结局将怎么降临 While I am refusing to make amends 然而我拒绝赎罪 So much hurts, so much hates are grown up 如此多的悲伤痛苦蔓延 Your phantom made me hold on for my dear life 您的幻影支撑着我,拼命残存