IELTS 7   字幕↘

IELTS 7 字幕↘

2015-01-23    02'01''

主播: 向专八看齐

20656 1113

I live in a two-bed roomed flat near Camden Station in North London. 我住在靠近伦敦北边的康顿车站, It&`&s on the second floor and is quite old. 有两间卧房的公寓里。公寓位在3楼,相当老旧了, Built about 120 years ago, I think. 建于120年前吧,我想。 Moved there five years ago and live there with my husband, John and our two sons, Jim who&`&s three and Toby who&`&s one-and-a-half. 5年前搬到这里,同住的有我的丈夫约翰,还有2个儿子,三岁的吉姆和1岁半的托比。 There&`&s a small back garden which is nice but which we don&`&t often use. It&`&s got a large kitchen but a small bathroom and the second bedroom. 有个不错的小后院,但是我们不常用。厨房很大,但是浴室和次卧室很小。 In the sitting room, there&`&s a lovely big fireplace where we relax in the autumn and winter. 客厅里有个很棒的大壁炉,是秋天和冬天休息的好地方。 The only thing we don&`&t like about the flat is the noise from all the traffic. 这栋公寓唯一美中不足的地方,是街上的交通太吵了。 We live in the middle of Devon, a beautiful part of the English countryside in the South-West, in the West Country. 我们住在德文郡的中部,是位于英国西南部各郡里的一处美丽乡村。 We live in a lovely thatched know...with a straw roof. 我们住在一间可爱的茅草小屋里...你知道的...屋顶是茅草做的。 We moved there 16 years ago, but it was built about 350 years ago. 我们16年前搬来这儿,但是这栋小屋有350年的历史了。 It&`&s got two large bedrooms and one similar bedroom, a sitting room and a dining room next to the kitchen. 有2间大的卧房、1间小卧房、客厅、饭厅和相邻的厨房。 And under the stairs is my favorite room, my study. 下了楼梯,是我最喜欢的地方,书房。 There is a front and a back garden which are both small but very beautiful with lots of flowers; roses mostly. 有前后院,都小小的,但是很漂亮,有很多花,主要是玫瑰。 Although our daughter now lives in London where she goes to university, I live there with Helen, my wife, and our son who is still at college. 虽然我们的女儿现在到伦敦去上大学,但是我和我太太海伦,以及还在念大专的儿子住在一起。 I live in a bungalow in a small town near Bath. 我住的平房位于靠近巴斯的一个小镇, It&`&s eight years old and has got a small back garden where I often spend my time gardening or reading. 是8年的房子,有个小后院,我常在后院从事园艺工作或看书。 There&`&s only one bedroom, a small lounge and a dining room. 只有1 间卧房、1间小客厅和饭厅。 The kitchen is also quite small, but easy for me to keep clean. 厨房也蛮小的,但是这样我很容易清理。 I live with my five cats and three dogs. 我和5 只猫、3只狗住在一起。
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