

2019-03-05    04'45''

主播: 83605119

257 2

we came toa place we id not know. 有一晚,我载了一个梦我和锺书同散步说说笑,走到了不知什么地方The sun had set behind the mountains, and dusk was approaching.太阳已经下山,黄昏薄幕。 Then Zhongshu dsappeared into the void. searched erywhere but could indCalled to him, but there was no answer. 苍苍茫茫中,忽然锺书不见了。我四顾寻找,不见他的影踪。我喊他,设人应 Itwasjust me, alone, tanding there in the wsteland not knowing where Zhonghu had Bone.只我一人,站在荒郊野地里,锺书不知到哪里去了。 1 cied out to him, cling his full name, but my cies just fll into the widerness without thefaintest echo, as if they&`&d been swallowed. 我大声呼喊,连名带姓地喊。喊声落在旷野里,好像给吞吃了似的,没留下一点依稀仿佛的音响。 Complete silence added to the blackness of the night, deepening my loneliness and sense ofdesolation. 彻底的寂静,给沉沉夜色增添了分量,也加深了我的孤凄。
上一期: 门帘儿
下一期: 压力与记忆力间惊人联系