《Formerly slow》

《Formerly slow》

2019-11-12    07'13''

主播: 83605119

444 3

有一本书的名字叫做《慢慢来,一切都来得及》,是的,在当下这样一个人人着急赶路,对时间充满焦虑感的时代,或者,我们应该重新回味“慢”与“快”的交错间,那些初心所指向的路。 从前慢,一生只够爱一个人。 Formerly slow Time was slower in the past, Carriage, horse, mail needs time a little bit. Even one greeting needs days to be passed The moonlight was slower in the past With leisure, being indolent The whole dawn needs a cup of tea to interpret With little stars twinkling, moments in your dreams move fast The pace was slower in the past From one village to another near it One needs a whole day on foot The days were slower but warmer in the past Through a touch of light mist Year after year, time is out. The handkerchiefs were finer in the past Young ladies with soft eyebrows in their perfect fit stitch by stitch, more delicate It took time to fall in love in the past So slow, one needs one’s lifetime seeking for Mr/Ms Right So slow, you need your whole life to love people that suit Now with everything on the go, one gets up earlier a little bit No time to say good morning, even a hug you cannot wait In fact, in the city center, even 5 minutes’ on foot Or a bit of leisure time after your breakfast Everything is different Now is faster, everything is in the replacement So fast that life is easily to be parted even you cannot notice it In fact, cluttered life can be combined by one after one highlight Like the classical furnishings mixed with modern decorations in a sample apartment Less dull, less stale, much more exquisite Now time flies faster, just keep the pace after complaint Strive for your dream with your daring heart Embrace your leisure time until you are old but not in the past Why not plan for your future earlier to some extent? Now is faster, dating with your love, after dinner no time left In fact, time is innocent, but it is all your mind’s fault With a peaceful mind, walking around the Bell Tower in the old street Choosing a book in the county library, wandering in the old avenue on foot You forget time has vanished Now is faster, so fast that we always recall beauty in the past Passionately think of the world once in its purest In fact, for your current anguish, beat it Go to the North Square, and close your eyes in a moment overwhelming yourself with those golden days in the past Enjoy yourself with nothing in your heart It is good to be an ordinary person at hard thought When you said slow pace is fine, I back you a lot When he told fast pace adds more spice to life , I agree without second thought Like mansion with its luxury, tiny apartment with its refinement Good or bad, tell me not No matter how slow the past time was, how fast it is in the current I know, the earth under your feet, the love around your heart Treasure them with your best, no matter in the past or in the right moment.