How strong are you

How strong are you

2019-12-13    08'25''

主播: 83605119

45 0

主播:姬瑞琪 导播:孙怡芳 编辑:梁玉茹 How strong are you?    你有多强大?   That is a tough question to answer, whether you are a man or a woman.   不管你是男人还是女人,这都是个很难回答的问题。   But, really, I want to ask… how do you define your strength?   但是,说实话,我想知道,你是怎么定义力量的呢?   How do you know your limits? How do you know just how much you’ve got?   你是如何了解自己的局限性?你怎么知道你能做到什么程度?   When push comes to shove, we often discover that we are much stronger than we think.   当压力来临时,我们会发现我们比想象中要更强大。