Morning English 040 20190226

Morning English 040 20190226

2019-02-26    01'27''

主播: Jeffree🐰杰福瑞刘老师

145 1

Morning English 040 20190226 Good morning, everyone! It's time for morning English. 今天的英文分享是“a place in the sun 阳光照耀之地” 来指 “令人羡慕的境遇、好位置”。这是因为,和亲朋好友去公园野餐或者去海滩度假是英国人典型的夏日休闲方式。不过,英国因为地理位置的原因晴天非常少,每遇到阳光明媚的日子,出门野餐和海边休假的人会非常多。如果能在阳光充足的绿地或沙滩上抢到一席之地,可以说是非常幸运的。 例句 1. After years of working hard and saving money, she has finally found her place in the sun.经过多年的辛勤工作,外加省吃俭用攒钱,她终于迎来了更好的生活。 2. He had just been promoted and was now enjoying his place in the sun. 那时,他刚刚升职,正在体验新职位带给他的种种优势。 大家学会了吗? Thank you! Bye for now!