Morning Cheese English 085 20190505

Morning Cheese English 085 20190505

2019-05-05    01'22''

主播: Jeffree🐰杰福瑞刘老师

123 0

Morning Cheese English 085 20190505 Good morning, everyone! It's time for Morning Cheese English. 今天的茄子早安英语和您分享的是pencil in, 用 “铅笔 pencil” 写下的字可以用橡皮擦掉。短语 “pencil something in” 和 “pencil someone in” 就借用了铅笔的这个属性,它用在已知事情的安排会发生改变的情景当中,表示 “草定、临时安排”。 例句 Douglas says to Grace, Let’s try to pencil in a date for our holiday – we can always change it later! 狗哥和小雅说,我们先试着暂时定下度假的日子,我们可以之后再改! Julian has penciled in a few possible dates for their staff training day, but they’ll have to see which is the most convenient for the team! 赵彦草拟了几个开展员工培训日的可行日期,但他们需要看看哪一天对团队最方便。