Morning Cheese English 123 20190705

Morning Cheese English 123 20190705

2019-07-05    01'23''

主播: Jeffree🐰杰福瑞刘老师

338 2

Morning Cheese English 123 20190705 Good morning, everyone! It's time for Morning Cheese English. 今天的茄子早安英语和您分享的是to bite someone's head off,bite,咬,字面的意思是把别人的头咬下来,用来形容人说话不客气、气势汹汹,类似汉语中“把人骂个狗血淋头”。 例句 Grace was very sorry that she had lost her temper, she didn't mean to bite Douglas's head off.小雅很后悔自己发脾气了,她也不是故意要对狗哥恶语相向的。 Julian is complaining to Grace, 'Why our boss had to bite my head off? It wasn't my fault!'赵彦和小雅抱怨,为啥领导要把我骂那么难听?又不是我的错!