

2019-12-22    05'05''

主播: 九点有声悦读📖

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关注【九点有声悦读】获得更多有声美文 下雪了 天空静止不动 雪花寂寞无声 等一场雪 候一个人 道一句好 红尘摆渡编辑朗读 电视剧《延禧攻略》片尾曲 《雪落下的声音》英文版 慢慢走在一场雪中 你会听到有什么重要的东西 落在心底 想要一场雪 只落给自己听 雪落下的声音 The Sounds of Snowfall Gently, falling on my hand Softly, frozen as it lands The fates will let us meet again As pain brings all the joys to end 轻轻 落在我掌心 静静 在掌中结冰 相逢 是前世注定 痛并 把快乐尝尽 I hear it in my heart As the sounds of snow are Falling like a picture in a frame I can hardly pretend this world is but a moment and I would wish it never ends 我慢慢地听 雪落下的声音 闭着眼睛幻想它不会停 你没办法靠近 决不是太薄情 只是贪恋窗外好风景 I hear you in my heart Calling out to my name But I know I’ll never hold you close As I’m standing here waiting on forever I’ll listen to the sounds of snow 我慢慢地品 雪落下的声音 仿佛是你贴着我叫卿卿 睁开了眼睛 漫天的雪无情 谁来赔这一生好光景 Broken, are the empty words Spoken, but the words rehearsed Sorrow could never turn the lies Our lives would never come to light 明明 话那么寒心 假装 那只是叮咛 泪尽 也不能相信 此生 如纸般薄命 I hear it in my heart As the sounds of snow are Falling like a picture in a frame I can hardly pretend, this world is but a moment and I would wish it never ends 我慢慢地听 雪落下的声音 闭着眼睛幻想它不会停 你没办法靠近 决不是太薄情 只是贪恋窗外好风景 I hear you in my heart Calling out to my name But I know I’ll never hold you close As I’m standing here waiting on forever I’ll listen to the sounds of snow I’ll listen to the sounds of snow I’ll listen to the sounds of snow 我慢慢地品 雪落下的声音 仿佛是你贴着我叫卿卿 睁开了眼睛 漫天的雪无情 谁来赔这一生好光景 谁来赔这一生好光景 谁来赔这一生好光景