

2020-10-19    02'41''

主播: 九点有声悦读📖

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【中英对照】 Song of Lynceus the Watchman By Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 守望者之歌 作者:歌德[德] I am born for seeing, Employed to watch, Sworn to the tower, I delight in the world. 为观看而降生,为瞭望而工作, 我置身于望楼,为宇宙而欢乐。 I see what is far, I see what is near, The moon and the stars, The wood and the deer. 我眺望远方,我俯视近处, 望月亮和星辰,视树木和麋鹿。 In all these I see Eternal beauty, And as it has pleased me, I’m content with myself. 我在宇宙万象中,看见永恒的装饰, 正如我喜爱它们,我也喜爱自己。 O happy eyes, Whatever you have seen, Let it be as it may, How fair it has been! 你们幸福的眼睛,你们目光所及, 不论是些什么,都是这样美丽! 歌德《守望者之歌 》 Translations by Richard Stokes, author of The Book of Lieder (Faber, 2005) 冯至 译 选自《德国七人诗选》,中信出版集团