1. office supplies 办公用品
2. A4 paper A4纸
3. printer 打印机
4. photocopier 复印机 (Xerox 施乐: I want to copy/photocopy/Xerox this. 我要复印这个。)
5. pens / pencils 笔 / 铅笔
6. (whiteboard) markers (写白板用的)马克笔
7. highlighters 荧光笔
8. folder / binder 文件夹 / 档案夹 (three-ring binder 三孔活页夹)
9. hole puncher 打洞机
10. stapler 订书机 (staple sth 把某物订起来, staples 订书针)
11. paper clips 回形针
12. post-it notes N次帖
13. tape 胶带 (Tape this photo to the resume. 把这张照片粘在你的简历上。)