

2019-12-03    03'31''

主播: 译苓工作室

141 0

The Orchid Chen Zi'ang 许渊冲 译 In late spring grows the orchid good, How luxuriant are its leaves green! Alone it adorns empty wood With red blooms and violet stems lean. Slowly, slowly shortens the day; Rippling, rippling blows autumn breeze. By the year's end it fades away. What has become of it fragrance, please? 感遇 陈子昂 兰若生春夏, 芊蔚何青青! 幽独空林色, 朱蕤冒紫茎。 迟迟白日晚, 嫋嫋秋风生。 岁华尽摇落, 芳意竟何成?