Coriolanus02-what's the matter!

Coriolanus02-what's the matter!

2014-09-29    04'01''

主播: A Box Of Cats

436 68

What's the matter, you dissentious rogues, that, rubbing the poor itch of your opinion make yourselves scabs? He that will give good words to thee will flatter beneath abhorring. what would you have, you curs, that like nor peace nor war? The one affrights you, the other makes you proud. He that trusts to you, where he should find you lions, find you hares, where foxes, geese. You are no surer, no, than is the coal of fire upon the ice, or hailstone in the sun. Who deserves greatness, deserves your hate, and your affections are a sick man's appetite. He that depends upon your favours swims with fins of lead and hews down oaks with rushes. Hang you! Trust you? With every minute you do change a mind. And call him noble that was now you hate, him vile that was your garland. What's the matter, that in these several places in the city you cry against the noble senate who under the gods keep you in awe, which else would feed on one another? What's their seeking? (For corn at their own rates, whereof, they say, the city is well stored.) Hang them! They say? They'll sit by the fire, and presume to know what's done in the Capitol. Who's like to rise, who thrives and who declines, side factions and give out conjectural marriges. Making parties strong and feebling such as stand not in their liking below their cobbled shoes. They say there's grain enough? Would the nobility lay aside their ruth and let me use my sword. (Nay, these are almost thoroughly persuaded. What says the other troop?) (They are dissolved.) Hang them. They said they were a-hungry, sighed forth proverbs: that hunger broke stone walls. That dogs must eat, that meat was made for mouths, that the gods sent not corn for the rich men only. And with these shreds they vented their complainings, which being answered and a petition granted them. (What is granted them?) Two tribunes to defend their vulgar wisdoms, of their own choice. One's Junius Brutus, one's Sicnia Veluta. 'Sdeath! The rabble should have first unroofed the city ere so prevailed with me. It will in time win upon power, and throw forth greater themes for insurrection's arguing. (This is strange.) Go get you home, you fragments. (Where's Caius Martius?) Here. What's the matter? (Martius, 'tis true that you have lately told us: the Volsces are in arms) They have a leader, Tullus Aufidius, that will put you to it. I sin in envying his nobility, and were I anything but what I am, I would wish me only he. (You have fought together.) Were half to half the world by the ears and he upon my party I'd revolt to make only my wars with him. He is a lion that I am proud to hunt. (Then, worthy Martius, attend upon Cominius to these wars.) Titus Lartius, thou shalt see me once more strike at Tullus' face. What, art thou stiff? Stand'st out? (No, Caius Martius. I'll lean upon one crutch and fight with t'other, ere stay behind this business. ) (O, true-bred! Your company to the Capitol) Lead you on.