

2014-10-23    11'07''

主播: A Box Of Cats

288 66

这段字太多,介绍里放不下,就把中间和仆人们瞎闹的一段文本去掉了(这么纯洁的将军还来了点黄暴梗,哈哈哈),只留了前边的独白和后边两人见面的文本。这是整部戏最令人动容的场次之一啊,大将军台词真多~肉排排嗓子真好~~~ A goodly city is this Antium. City, ’tis I that made thy widows. Many an heir of these fair edifices ‘fore my wars have I heard groan and drop. Then know me not, lest that thy wives with spits and boys with stones in puny battle slay me. Save you, sir. (And you.) Direct me, if it be your will, where great Aufidius lies. Is it Antium? (He is. and feasts the nobles of the state at his house this night.) Which is his house,beseech you? (This,here before you.) Thank you, sir. Farewell. O world, thy slippery turns! Friends now fast sworn, whose double bosoms seem to wear one heart. Whose house, whose bed, whose meal, and exercise, are still together, who twin, as ‘twere, in love unseparable shall within this hour, on a dissension of a doit, break out to bitterest enmity. So, fellest foes, whose passions and whose plots have broke their sleep, to take the one the other by some chance, some trick not worth an egg, shall grow dear friends and interjoin their issues. So with me, My birth-place hate I, and my love’s upon this enemy town. I’ll enter. If he slay me, he does fair justice. If he give me way, I’ll do his country service. --------- My name is Caius Martius. Who hath done to thee particularly, and to all the Volsces, great hurt and mischief. Thereto witness may my surname, Coriolanus. The painful service, the extreme dangers and the drops of blood shed for my thankless country are requited but with that surname. A good memory, and witness of the malice and displeasure which thou shouldst bear me. Only that name remains. The cruelty and envy of the people, permitted by our dastard nobles, who have all forsook me hath devoured the rest and suffered me by the voice of slaves to be whooped out of Rome. Now this extremity hath brought me to thy hearth. Not out of hope, mistake me not, to save my life. For if I had feared death, of all the men in the world I would have avoided thee. But in mere spite, to be full quit of those my banishers, stand I before thee here. Then if thou hast a heart of wreak in thee, that wilt revenge thine own particular wrongs and stop those maims of shame seen through thy country speed thee straight, and make my misery serve thy turn. So use it that my revengeful services may prove as benefits to thee. For I will fight against my cankered country with the spleen of all the under fiends. But if so be thou darest not this, and that to prove more fortunes thou art tired, then, in a word, I also am longer to live most weary. And do present my throat to thee and to thy ancient malice, which not to cut would show thee but a fool. (kneel) Since I have ever followed thee with hate, drawn tuns of blood out of thy country’s breast. And cannot live but to thy shame, unless it be to do thee service. (O Martius, Martius! Each word thou hast spoke hath weeded from my heart a root of ancient envy. If Jupiter should from you cloud speak divine things and say ’Tis true’ I’d not believe them more than thee, all noble Martius. Let me twine mine arms about that body where against my grained ash an hundred times hath broke and scarred the moon with splinters. Here I clip the anvil of my sword, and do contest as hotly and as nobly with thy love as ever in a ambitious strength I did contend against thy valour. (kiss) Know thou first, I loved the maid I married, never man sighed truer breath. But that I see thee here, thou noble thing, more dance my rapt heart than I first my wedded mistress saw bestride my threshold. Why, thou Mars! I tell thee, we have a power on foot. And I had purpose once more to hew thy target from thy brawn, or lose mine arm for it. Thou hast beat me out twelve several times, and I have nightly since dreamt of encounters ‘twixt thyself and me. We have been down together in my sleep. Unbuckling helms, fisting each other’s throat, and waked half dead with nothing. Worthy Martius, had we no quarrel else to Rome, but thou art thence banished, we would muster all from twelve to seventy, and pouring war into the bowels of ungrateful Rome, like a bold flood o’er-bear. Come, go in, and take our friendly senators by the hands, who now are here, taking their leaves of me. who am prepared against your territories, though not for Rome itself.) You bless me, gods. (Therefore, most absolute sir, if thou wilt have the leading of thine own revenges take the one half of my commission, and set down-- as best thou art experienced, since thou knowest thy country’s strength and weakness--thine own ways. whether to knock against the gates of Rome, or rudely visit them in parts remote, to fright them, era destroy. But come in, let me commend thee first to those that shall say yea to thy desires. A thousand welcomes! And more a friend than an enemy. Tet, Martius, that was much. Your hand, most welcome.