Coriolanus17- O mother,mother! What have you done?(最动人一段阿)

Coriolanus17- O mother,mother! What have you done?(最动人一段阿)

2014-11-03    02'49''

主播: A Box Of Cats

1523 99

全剧最动人的一段,没有之一!前半段相当克制,后半段完全在抽泣。。。各种泪盈盈。。。 很喜欢这一句: And, sir, it is no little thing to make Mine eyes to sweat compassion. O mother, mother! What have you done? Behold, the heavens do ope, The gods look down, and this unnatural scene They laugh at. O my mother, mother! O! You have won a happy victory to Rome; But for your son- believe it, O, believe it!- Most dangerously you have with him prevail'd, If not most mortal to him. But let it come. Aufidius, though I cannot make true wars, I'll frame convenient peace. Now, good Aufidius, Were you in my stead, would you have heard A mother less, or granted less, Aufidius? (I wasmov'd withal.) I dare be sworn you were! And, sir, it is no little thing to make Mine eyes to sweat compassion. But, good sir, What peace you'll make, advise me. O mother! wife! I'll not to Rome, Ay, by and by; fear not, But we will drink together; you deserve To have a temple built you. All the swords In Italy, and her confederate arms, Could not have made this peace. Farewell, farewell.