Muse of Fire-2009年Tom Hiddleston采访素材

Muse of Fire-2009年Tom Hiddleston采访素材

2014-11-06    45'21''

主播: A Box Of Cats

3089 141

新鲜出炉~太好听啦 *.* 源:Torrilla 分析《奥赛罗》的部分可以和之前《奥赛罗》剧组采访互相参照。排练海战登陆的时候把自己淋湿哈哈哈,说得我好想看视频。。。 然后09年那会大家就都知道他是“dancer”了。。。采访时的头发胡子,应该是《伊凡诺夫》时期吧,,,来来来,酷爱来复习一下他当时(2008年11月)是怎么带着大家跳舞的: Andrea Riseborough: We were doing "Ivanov" in the West End in London and Tom Hiddleston very kindly used to lead a warm up for us every night which was was lovely. It was a chance for the whole cast to get together and have a laugh before we went on. I was playing opposite Ken Branagh and I remember the day that we found out that Obama was elected — we used to do this warm up that Tom created that was called "Big Booty." We had to jump around singing "Big Booty," "Big Booty," "Big Booty," "Big Booty," and like shake our ass. And all of us were a wreck in London's West End on those days jiggling our asses about. It was ridiculous — including Ken Branagh, if you can imagine that. And the day that Obama got elected, you know, one of many moments I remember in my life where I shared it with a company of actors in a theater. And we all danced around the stage, and instead of "Big Booty" we said "O-bama," "O-bama," "O-bama," "O-bama." ------------- 整个采访给我一种,,,采访者总想让他说莎士比亚有多困难,然后他就总是一副:莎士比亚对我来说就是这么自然而然的事。。。这种感觉。哈哈哈,学霸你不要这样。。。 然后导师还是导师,采访者问他为什么要帮助他们拍《缪斯之火》,Tom说的话好动人啊~不过他说的那个人我不知道是谁:( 最后讲两次试镜,哈哈哈哈,可以笑一整年。