

2014-11-27    00'34''

主播: A Box Of Cats

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不知道为什么忽然涨了很多听友,,,po主好惶恐。。。 但是再听诗这里就变成读诗电台了。。。so 让我们来听RAP~ 视频源:军团02 天皇巨星T-Hiddy 闪亮登场! 唰啦啦~ (此处应有掌声) an we all know that L.A. and Philly stay jaggy But on the sneak, Miam bringin heat hor real Y'all don't understand I never seen so many Dominican women with cinnimon tans Mierda, this is the plan Take a walk on the beach, draw a heart in the sand Gimmie your hand Damn, you look sexy Let's go to my yacht, in the West Keys Ride my jetskis, loungin in the palm tree. Cause you gotta have cheese for the summerhouse piece on southbeach Water so clear, you can see to the bottom Hundred-thousand dollar cars, e'ybody got em Ain't no surprise in the club to see Sly, Stallone Miami, my second home (这是英语么。。。) 这是12年的广播,然后上周在I Saw The Light 片场,Tom为了娱乐片场的临时演员们,又来了一遍,并承认他就会这一段。。。。。。,以下,一位临时演员姑娘的repo: -Maybe one of my favorite parts was the live rendition of “Miami”. I don’t even remember how the subject of him rapping came up but he said that he only knew one rap song. I almost shat my pants when he started singing “Miami”. He sang through the whole first verse. The guy beside me was like wtf was that and I was like…..Will Smith. Tom told us jokingly that he was going to play a rapper in his next movie which would be a biopic about Will Smith. Oh, Tom!