po主很想听写一下,但是听力实在太渣了,,,勉强写出第一段,后边实在乱糟糟地连不起来 T_T, 所以就只贴第一段了,欢迎听力好的朋友进社区指教~~~
TH: Oh. Well, it's privileged to be nominated. I mean, there are so many great performances and so many great productions every year. I didn't expect it. So when I got the call, I was amazed and very proud. And you know Mark Strong and Ben Miles are veterans of the stage and screen. So, so I don't hold up much hope really. I'm dealing with ??? here. 【???是Titans
TH: um, I don't know, I will stick it on the mantelpiece somewhere. I don't know, I'm not quite sure....it ends up where it ends up. You know what I mean? You just kinda put it down, and it tends to stay there, um. (一边说废话一边提裤子是怎样。。
Q:I would love to chat you along, but you have been whisked away from us.
TH: All right. I am so sorry. Well, good morning Britain(媒体名字) anyway.