致1700听友——sigh no more,抖森+大提提,po主手制

致1700听友——sigh no more,抖森+大提提,po主手制

2015-01-23    01'16''

主播: A Box Of Cats

776 69

*抖森之声【广播电台】特供版*,【丧心病狂】之po主手制。 底版: 1,David Tennant 与Catherine Tate 为莎剧《无事生非》录的歌《sigh no more》。音频源:微博@露西娅_imovie 2,Tom Hiddleston读的莎剧片段《sigh no more》。 题图:po主手制。。。改自DTT的舞台剧海报。 鸣谢及致歉:漂亮的CATHERINE TATE姐姐~~~~~~哈哈哈哈,歌和图都被P成TH了。。。。。。 以及强推DTT这一版《无事生非》,太好笑了。 以及热烈庆祝DTT荣获“特别待见奖”哈哈哈哈哈 以及推荐DTT的电台“耳朵恋人 David Tennant”,就是看见那边主播更新,才想起来做这个的。 文本: Tom: Sigh no more ladies, sigh no more, Men were deceibers ever, One foot in sea, and one on shore, TO one thing constant never, Then sigh not so, but let them go, And be you blithe and bonny, Converting all your sounds of woe, Into hey, nonny nonny! 伴唱:hey, nonny nonny~ David: Sing no more ditties, sing no moe Of dumps so dull and heavy; The fraud of men were ever so Since summer first was leavy. Then sigh not so, but let them go, And be you blithe and bonny, converting all your sounds of woe Into hey nonny nonny.