High-Rise 有声书片段

High-Rise 有声书片段

2015-03-14    00'24''

主播: A Box Of Cats

3287 73

audible3月26日发行,已开始预定。详见torrilla微博。 音频源:soundcloud 题图源:torrilla微博,http://weibo.com/1846858632/C8sk5Cfi4?type=repost 这是high-rise的开头几句,文本: “Later, as he sat on his balcony eating the dog, Dr Robert Laing reflected on the unusual events that had taken place within this huge apartment building during the previous three months. Now that everything had returned to normal, he was surprised that there had been no obvious beginning, no point beyond which their lives had moved into a clearly more sinister dimension.” 摘录来自: J. G. Ballard. “High Rise.” iBooks. 自己瞎翻译: 后来,莱茵医生坐在阳台上,一边吃那条狗,一边回想起三个月来发生在这座巨型住宅楼中那些不同寻常的事件。现在一切都归于正常,他惊奇地发现,并没有一个明显的开端,没有这么个时间点,从那之后他们的生活就进入了某个显然更加邪恶的维度。