【世界历史】22讲,始皇帝(请看简介)History of the Ancient World

【世界历史】22讲,始皇帝(请看简介)History of the Ancient World

2015-04-30    33'12''

主播: A Box Of Cats

731 48

这个是我正在听的一个世界历史的讲座,还蛮有意思,不知道有没有人喜欢?这个老师虽然口音不太好听,但是发音特别清楚,只要认识的单词,几乎都能听懂,简直完全没有吞音连读。。T_T 一共有48讲,我听到22,还有一多半。大家想不想一起听呢?这样,如果一个月内有5个以上的赞,我就接着录(没错,俺不会破解,只会录。。),如果没到5个赞就不再发了。 现在正听到始皇帝,老师很八卦,还讲了太后和嫪毐的小粉故事。。。 开头他提到的几个外国人名,是前两节讲到的同时代的大帝: 马其顿: 腓力二世Philip II of Macedon 其子亚历山大大帝Alexander the great 印度莫卧儿王朝: 巴布尔 Zahir Din Muhammad Babur 其孙 阿克巴 Akbar 里边讲到两个派别: Legalist,法家 Confucian,儒家 后边讲的石刻,查了一下应该是这篇: 《史记·秦始皇本纪》: 登之罘(今芝罘,讲座里提到来着),刻石。其辞曰:维二十九年,时在中春,阳和方起。皇帝东游,巡登之罘,临照于海。从臣嘉观,原念休烈,追诵本始。大圣作治,建定法度,显箸纲纪。外教诸侯,光施文惠,明以义理。六国回辟,贪戾无厌,虐杀不已。皇帝哀众,遂发讨师,奋扬武德。义诛信行,威燀旁达,莫不宾服。烹灭彊暴,振救黔首,周定四极。普施明法,经纬天下,永为仪则。大矣哉!宇县之中,承顺圣意。群臣诵功,请刻于石,表垂于常式。 讲座里说的始皇相貌,来源也应该是《史记·秦始皇本纪》: 秦王为人,峰准,长目,挚鸟膺,豺声。少恩而虎狼心,居约易出人下,得志亦轻食人。 History of the Ancient World: A Global Perspective -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author: The Great Courses Date: 2011 Narrator: Professor Gregory S. Aldrete Provider: The Great Courses Running Time: 24 h 24 min Audible Enhanced Audio The ancient world has cast a long shadow, influencing our customs and religious beliefs, our laws, and the form of our governments. It has taught us when and how we make war or pursue peace. It has shaped the buildings we live and work in and the art we hang on our walls. It has given us the calendar that organizes our year and has left its mark on the games we play. Grasping the full scope of your bequest from the ancient world can't help but give you a more nuanced base from which to make decisions and choose pathways in your own life. These 48 lectures take you on a multidisciplinary journey that ranges across not only the traditional domains of politics and war that are normally the province of history courses, but also those of religion, philosophy, architecture and the visual arts, literature, and science, and more. You'll examine the ancient world's greatest civilizations from the Mediterranean, Asia, and the Americas - including those of Rome, Greece, China, Persia, India, and the Maya - not in isolation but in the full context of where they came from, the cultures that flourished around them at the same time, and the civilizations that were to come from them. Taking a comparative approach, Professor Aldrete's course includes in-depth analyses of not only key individuals and historical moments, but also history's most important themes, from the nature of rulership and the evolution of religion and philosophy to the practice of warfare and the expression of power through art and architecture. With its mix of nuanced interpretation, vivid description, and constant attention to exploring history as a coherent whole, this is sure to be one of the most informative and thought-provoking history courses you have ever taken. Disclaimer: Please note that this recording may include references to supplemental texts or print references that are not essential to the program and not supplied with your purchase.