

2015-10-19    01'51''

主播: A Box Of Cats

551 48

视频源: 1,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPjy0FawxVU 2,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lw-_zen3WBM 主要是一个90秒的视频,开头和其中一句话用的另一段视频,就是人们总跟我说你在普罗米修斯里真不错那句。 一开始Tom信心满满看了时间,回答完之后问人家,多久?两分钟?主持说:四分钟!Tom:shit! --------剧透的分割线--------- 1,一个词描述猩红山峰 spooky 2,你信鬼吗? potentially 3,你会在闹鬼的房子里呆一宿吗? nooooooooooo 4,一个词形容导演(记不住名 big-hearted 5,你看过最可怕的电影是什么? the shining 闪灵 6,最喜欢的电影明星? 没听出来 7,最好的万圣节装备? old father time 拟人化的时间老人,按wiki的话,可能是指伦敦一个有名的风向标,样子不太好形容,见题图吧,我把它p在右上角了。。 8,你为准备角色干过什么奇怪的事? I observed autopsies for High-Rise 9,你有啥恐惧症吗? not really 10,你觉得最伟大的发明是什么? the compass 11,如果能变成别人过一天,你想变成谁,干什么? I like to see what it feels like to run as fast as Usain Bolt. 牙买加的那个博尔特 12,余生只能吃一种食物,你选什么? full British breakfast 全套英式早餐(这是一种食物吗! 13,如果能穿越,想回溯300年还是前进300年? forward 300 years 14,最喜欢的季节? spring 15,你有什么迷信呢? Don't say the title of the Scottish play. 指麦克白。传说这剧非常不详,大家会管它叫苏格兰剧,因为故事是发生在苏格兰的。 16,讨厌什么食物? I'm not crazy about rhubarb. 不怎么喜欢大黄。这个大黄好像是一种红色茎子的蔬菜,长得有点像芹菜,非常酸。po主并没有见过。。 17,喜欢日出还是日落? Can't choose, both 18,你擅长保密吗? Yes,I am. 那你能告诉我,别人跟你说的最近一个秘密是神码? no~(哟,不傻哟 19,人们经常把你错认成谁? 法鲨。《普罗米修斯》。人们总是跟我说:你在普罗米修斯里不错啊!(太难拼了。。写中文 20,什么电影角色你希望能变成真的? the ghostbusters 捉鬼敢死队 21,你做过的最可怕的事是什么? I got lost in the cloud climbing Mount Snowdon in Wales 在威尔士爬 斯诺登 山时迷失于云间。 22,你想跟哪个演员合作? Bill Murray,捉鬼敢死队的主角~ 23,cake 还是pie? cake 24,最喜欢哪个童话? the three bears. "Who's been sleeping in my porridge? " 这句错误引用很,,,不知道他怎么想的。。所以汤上有妹子说:What version has he been reading? Do they eat the beds? 附: Goldilocks and the Three Bears Father Bear,Mother Bear and Baby Bear are a happy family. They live in a house. They like to eat porridge. One day,Mother Bear makes porridge for supper. Father Bear says, "Let's go for a walk before supper." Mother Bear says,"Okay." Baby Bear says,"Okay." So the three bears go for a walk Just then,a small girl comes along. Her name is Goldilocks. She has blond hair. Goldilocks walks by the house where the three bears live. She goes into the house. Goldilocks sees three chairs She sits in Father Bear's chair. She says,"This chair is too hard." She sits in Mother Bear's chair. She says, "This chair is too soft." She sits in Baby Bear's chair. She says,"This chair is just right." But the chair breaks into a thousand pieces. Then Goldilocks sees three bowls of porridge on the table. She tastes Father Bear's porridge. She says,"This porridge is too hot." She tastes Mother Bear's porridge. She says, "This porridge is too cold." She tastes Baby Bear's porridge. She says, "This porridge is just right." And she eats all the porridge. Then Goldilocks sees three beds. She lies on Father Bear's bed. She says, "This bed is too big.". She lies on Mother Bear's bed. She says,"This bed is too big." She lies on Baby Bear's bed. She says, "This bed is just right." And she goes to sleep on the bed Just then the three bears come home. They are hungry. They want to eat supper. They go into the house. They go to the table. Father Bear says, "Someone was eating my porridge!" Mother Bear says, "Someone was eating my porridge!" Baby Bear says, "Someone was eating my porridge, and ate it all up!" They see their chairs. Father Bear says, "Someone was sitting in my chair Mother Bear says, "Someone was sitting in my chair!" Baby Bear says,"Someone was sitting in my chair, and it broke into a thousand pieces!" Then they go to bed. Father Bear says,"Someone was sleeping on my bed!" ! Mother Bear says,"Someone was sleeping on my bed Baby Bear says,"Someone was sleeping on my bed, and here she is!" Just then Goldilocks wake up She sees the three bears looking at her. She yells,"Help!Help!" She runs out of the house. She runs and runs,far away. And the three bears never see her again. 这个结尾跟我印象里的不一样啊……我一直以为是最后小姑娘和小熊幸福地生活在一起/我的童年有点乱……