【休闲篇】01 The Apple of One's Eye

【休闲篇】01 The Apple of One's Eye

2016-10-12    12'21''

主播: 银灰色咖啡

770 19

Hi This is Allen~~~ 好久不见,甚是想念~~~~~~~~ 今天非常开心能够······(此处省略一万字想念大家的话) 好啦,话不多说进入今天的内容~~啦啦啦~~~ A: You are a girl with a slender figure, Wang Ping. If only I were as slim as you! B: You're the only daughter in your family, and 【the apple of your parents' eye】. A: My parents don't like my fatness, and ask me to lose weight. But I always 【eat like a horse】. B: Don't eat more than enough. Moreover, sitting at a desk in the office all day does you no good, I suppose. A: I think so, too. I do wish to lose weight. I intend to have my weight dropped from 150 pounds to 120. B: That'll be nice. How about your sleep? Too much sleep has a bad effect on losing weight. A: That's too bad. I usually 【sleep like a log】, and I need 10 hours every day. B: 【No wonder】 you're so fat. Furthermore, I advise you not to use slimming pills. A: Right. The doctor told me to pay attention to healthy diet, and not to eat chips, pop, fried chicken legs and so on, 【thinking nothing of】them, but eat more natural food. B: Absolutely right! You do need to lose weight 【on purpose】. A: But I can't control my appetite. Seeing my favorite snacks, I just 【freak out】and stuff my mouth with them. However, to become slim, I have to【stand up to】the temptation of my favorites. B: You're right. What's more, rise at about six every morning to have a run for an hour with me. Insist on doing this for a year, and it'll work. A: Oh, my God. Running in the early morning? And with empty stomach? Your silly advice will simply drive me to distraction! 【重点单词】 pupil 瞳孔,眼珠 underweight 体重不达标的 hallucination 幻觉 damp climate 潮湿的气候 大家可以反复揣摩这些English Idioms在情景中的用法,对于自己英文思维的养成有很大帮助哦~ 我们某天再见(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……