小马宝莉夜之子children of the night(同人歌曲)

小马宝莉夜之子children of the night(同人歌曲)

2018-03-19    03'57''

主播: 紫影夜羽Shadow🎵

328 2

come little children 听我的呼唤 i'll take three a way 请随吾离开 into a land of enchantment 追寻那梦幻的乐园 come little children 听我的呼唤 the time's come to play 来嬉戏游玩 here in my garden of shadows 在那月影下的花园 follow sweet children 请不要落单 i'll show thee the way 吾将汝陪伴 through all the pain and the sorrows 穿越那伤痛与苦海 weep not poor children 请把泪擦干 for life is this way 命运太漠然 murdering beauty and passions 扼杀了热枕与朱颜 hush now dear children 请不要埋怨 it mush be this way 生活的磨难 to weary of life and deceptions 充满了懈怠和欺骗 rest now my children 请闭上双眼 for soon we'll away 跟随吾走远 into the calm and the quiet 遁入那宁静与安恬 come little children 听我的呼唤 i'l ltake thee away 请随吾走远 into a land of enchantment 追寻那梦幻的乐园 come little children 听我的呼唤 the time's come to play 来嬉戏游玩 here in my garden of shadows 在那月影下的花园
上一期: A Big Mistake
下一期: Key Structures