小马宝莉同人歌曲Lullaby For A Princess

小马宝莉同人歌曲Lullaby For A Princess

2018-10-28    06'41''

主播: 紫影夜羽Shadow🎵

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小马宝莉同人音乐《Lullaby for a Princess》是关于千年前公主姐妹之间发生的战争的阐述,不同与《夜之子》,这首歌从宇宙公主的角度出发,可以看出宇宙公主驱逐梦魇之月后伤心、寂寞、怀念的心情。 下面是歌词: Fate has been cruel and order unkind 命运残酷,审判无情 How can I have sent you away? 我怎能送你离开? The blame was my own; the punishment, yours 过错在我,惩罚却由你承担 The harmony's silent today 谐律也因此暗淡 But into the stillness I'll bring you a song 静谧之中,我为你轻轻歌唱 And I will your company keep 我永远伴在你身旁 Till your tired eyes and my lullabies 请闭上双眼,听我的歌声 Have carried you softly to sleep 沉入甜蜜的梦乡 Once did a pony who shone like the sun 曾经有小马像太阳般闪耀 Look out on her kingdom and sigh 遥望她的王国嗟叹 She smiled and said, "Surely, there is no pony 她笑着对自己说:“再也没有小马 So lovely and so well beloved as I" 像我一样受到大家的爱戴。 So great was her reign and so brilliant her glory 沐浴着她无上威严荣光 That long was the shadow she cast 阴霾也在渐渐萌发 Which fell dark upon the young sister she loved 飘落在她最爱的妹妹心上 And grew only darker as days and nights passed 任黑暗一天天悄然生长 Lullay moon princess, goodnight sister mine 露娜公主,请你安然入眠 And rest now in moonlight's embrace 枕着月光的怀抱 Bear up my lullaby, winds of the earth 乘上徐徐微风,和我的歌谣 Through cloud, and through sky, and through space 穿过银河,碧空,云霄 Carry the peace and the coolness of night 请带上宁静清凉的夜晚 And carry my sorrow in kind 还有我无限的伤感 Luna, you're loved so much more than you know 露娜你从来都不曾孤单 Forgive me for being so blind 请原谅我愚钝的眼 Soon did that pony take notice that others 那只小马终于开始明白 Did not give her sister her due 妹妹渴望她的关怀 And neither had she loved her as she deserved 但她没有给予她足够的爱 She watched as her sister's unhappiness grew 看着她的悲伤年复一年 But such is the way of the limelight, it sweetly 就如此被无形的枷锁要挟 Takes hold of the mind of its host 这就是君王的代价 And that foolish pony did nothing to stop 这愚蠢的小马却不曾阻拦 The destruction of one who had needed her most 眼睁睁看着妹妹坠入深渊 Lullay moon princess, goodnight sister mine 露娜公主,请你安然入眠 And rest now in moonlight's embrace 枕着月光的怀抱 Bear up my lullaby, winds of the earth 乘上徐徐微风,和我的歌谣 Through cloud, and through sky, and through space 穿过银河,碧空,云霄 Carry the peace and the coolness of night 请带上宁静清凉的夜晚 And carry my sorrow in kind 还有我无限的伤感 Luna, you're loved so much more than you know 露娜你从来都不曾孤单 May troubles be far from your mind 请露出你无忧的脸 And forgive me for being so blind 请原谅我愚钝的眼 The years now before us 我们俩的未来 Fearful and unknown 崎岖而茫然 I never imagined 我从未曾想象 I'd face them on my own 没有你的时光 May these thousand winters 愿这千载寒冬 Swiftly pass, I pray 如过眼云烟 I love you; I miss you 我爱你,想念你 All these miles away 无论多遥远 May all your dreams be sweet tonight 但愿有美梦伴你入眠 Safe upon your bed of moonlight 皎洁的月光洒床前 And know not of sadness, pain, or care 没有悲伤,痛苦和愁颜 And when I dream, I'll fly away and meet you there 睡梦中,我会飞来与你相见 Sleep... 睡吧…