know known unknown knowledge acknowledge acknowledgement accustom custom accustomed voice advocate log blog micro blog blogger dialogue logic logical illogical catalog technology technological technical technique technician craft aircraft spacecraft motto language confess confession claim clear clearly unclear clarity clarify clarity of vision=clear vision declare declaration firm firmly confirm confirm one’s love confirmation sure surely ensure insure insurance measure takes measures to/against guarantee edge mark market supermarket marketing marketer remark remarkable reputation fame famous family familiar be familiar with faith faithful faithfully faithfulness yours sincerely/faithfully sell sale seller best-seller margin band bend bond bench bind bound be bound to Benz boundary border frontier bounce abundant fluent fluency fluently flow float flood flu flag national flag flagship ship flavour/flavor flame blame take the blame blame sb for game game over flexible flexibility reflect reflection graph geography geology geometry photograph photography photographer biography Bible telegraph telegram grammar program gram kilogram diagram dial Sorry, the subscriber you dial is busy now. Please,redial later. diamond diary scope telescope microscope range arrange arrangement strange stranger rank ranking area field sphere atmosphere environment environmental continent land land on inland homeland farmland motherland New Zealand Iceland England Scotland Switzerland mainland the Mainland China island lord Lord My Lord landlord landlady zone district business district region religion religious pray site website local resident locate location allocate basin plain complain complaint plan plane astronomy astronaut disaster catastrophe galaxy a galaxy of sun sunrise sunset sunshine Sunday sunny solar isolate isolate isolation moon month monthly Monday satellite artificial satellite theory theoretical theme theme song cathedral gather together altogether weather philosophy philosopher genius gene genetic genetical generation future/next generation gender gentle gentleman gently generous general generally diligent diligence