

2018-12-02    08'42''

主播: 林超人美式发音

2741 28

Lesson 8 He’s my favorite 我是我的最爱 Fish: Hey, this is great! Woo-hoo! 嘿,这太棒了! 喔…呜! Jeff: Hmph. I can’t stand Elvis. 我受不了艾尔维斯. Fish: You must be kidding! Why not?你在开玩笑! 为什么不喜欢? Jeff: He’s too boring . 他太无聊了. He’s so dull. It makes me nod off. 他是那么的乏味,让我犯困. Fish: Ok, so what singer do you like? 那好,你喜欢谁呢? Jeff: The only kind of singer I like is one who wakes everybody up! 我喜欢那种能把所有人叫醒的歌手!