Vol.206 病理性说谎与幻想性谎语癖(一)

Vol.206 病理性说谎与幻想性谎语癖(一)

2019-10-14    44'37''

主播: 心理开花

2745 30

Vol.206 病理性说谎与幻想性谎语癖(一) 为什么有的人那么爱说谎?为什么有的人好像意识不到自己在说谎?那些编造自己人生故事的人,到底是恶意的,还是无心的?请收听本期《心理开花》播客——病理性说谎与幻想性谎语癖~ 欢迎收听~ 本期节目中包含的音乐: 折戸伸治 - 潮鳴り HoneyComeBear - アキレア レトクオリア - Memory of the world(Inst) Joseph Jacobs - Good Memories Chinsta - Flowers in wind Nomak - Heartful Memories 昙轩 - 海の形 oh sunshine – beautiful a_hisa – Caravan 参考文献: C. D. Birch et al. “A Review and Case Report of Pseudologia Fantastica”. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology, June 2006; 17(2): 299-320 Charles C. Dike. “Pathological Lying: Symptoms or Disease?” Psychiatric Times, 2008. Charles C. Dike et al. “Pathological Lying Revisited”. Journal of American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 2005. 33:342-349 Charles W. Dithrich. “Pseudologia Fantastica, Dissociation, and Potential Space, in Child Treatment.” International Journal of Psycho-Analysis 1991; 72: 657-667 Thomas V. Hoyer. “Pseudologia Fantastica: A consideration of ‘The Lie’ and A case Presentation”. Psychiatric Quarterly, 1959. Dragana Đurić Jočić, Nevenka Pavlicić, Vesna Gazivoda. “Psychological Lying and Tasks of Psychological Assessment.” Vojnosanit Pregl 2018; 75(2): 219–223. B. H. King and C. V. Ford. “Pseudologia Fantastica”. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 1988: 77: 1-6 Jyrki A. Korkeila et al. “Clarification of Pseudologia Fantastica: A Study of Two cases of Fantastic Pseudology”. Nord Journal of Psychiatry 1995; 49: 367-371 C. M. Leung, K. Lai, K. Shum, G. Lee. “Pseudologia Fantastica and Gender Identity Disturbance in a Chinese Male”. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 1995; 29: 321-323 Lana Muzinic, Dragica Kozaric-Kovacic, Igor Marinic. “Psychiatric Aspects of Normal and Pathological Lying.” International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 2016. 46: 88-93 Noreen Newmark, Adityanjee, and Jerald Kay. “Pseudologia Fantastica and Factitious Disorder: Review of the Literature and a Case Report”. Comprehensive Psychiatry 1999; 40: 89-95 Oscar R. Schmalzbach. “Pathological Lying – Pseudologia Phantastica (Mythomania) (Inclusive of Politicians and World Leaders)”. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 1972. 5:2, 45-53. Scott Snyder. “Pseudologia Fantastica in the Borderline Patient”. American Journal of Psychiatry 143:10, October 1986. Teresa Teaford, et al. “Pseudologia Fantastica Associated with Pervasive Developmental Disorder”. Psychiatry 2002. 65: 165-171. Robyn Thom, Polina Teslyar, and Rohn Friedman. “Pseudologia Fantastica in the Emergency Department: A Case Report and Review of the Literature”. Case Reports in Psychiatry 2017. W. A. Weston and J. Thomas Dalby. “A Case of Pseudologia Fantastica with Antisocial Personality Disorder”. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Vol.36, October, 1991. D. Wiersma. “On Pathological Lying”. Journal of Personality, 1933. 心理开花,听晴妮和大家聊聊各种各样的心理学问题,让我们的心理乐开花 节目音频由心理开花电台原创,未经授权请勿转载或转成文字发布~