You're All My Favourites

You're All My Favourites

2017-11-10    06'09''

主播: 小木绘本悦读

215 1

You're All My Favourites 你们都是我的最爱 作者Sam McBratney 插画师illustrated by Anita Jeram Once upon a time there was a mother bear, a father bear and three baby bears. 很久很久以前,有一只熊爸爸、一只熊妈妈和三只熊宝宝。 A first baby bear. A second baby bear. And a third baby bear. 一只老大熊宝宝、一只老二熊宝宝和一只老三熊宝宝。 Whoever tucked them in at night always said the same thing to them: 晚上,不论是爸爸还是妈妈把他们放到床上,永远都会对他们说同样的话: “You are the most wonderful baby bears in the whole wide world!” “你们是这个世界上最最棒的熊宝宝。” One night, after their Mummy Bear had tucked them in, 有一天晚上,妈咪熊把他们放到床上, and after she had said “You are the most wonderful baby bears in the whole wide world”, 在她说了“你们是这个世界上最最棒的熊宝宝”之后, the baby bears began to wonder. 熊宝宝们开始觉得奇怪了。 “But how do you know?” they asked their Mummy Bear. “可是,你是怎么知道的呢?”他们问妈咪熊。 ” How do you know we are the most wonderful baby bears in the whole wide world?” “你怎么知道我们是这个世界上最最棒的熊宝宝呢? “Because your daddy told me,” said their Mummy Bear. “因为你们的爹地告诉我,”妈咪熊说。 “When your daddy saw you on the night that you were born, he said-and I remember it very well-he said, “你们出生的那天晚上,当你们的爹地一看到你们,他就说——我记得非常清楚——他就说: ’Those are the nicest baby bears I have ever seen. They are the nicest baby bears anyone has ever seen!’ ” ‘那可是我看到过的长得最好的熊宝宝了。他们是谁也不曾看过的长得最好的熊宝宝了。’” That was a good answer. 这真是个好答案。 The three baby bears snuggled down as content as could be. 三只熊宝宝一个挨一个地躺了下来,觉得好满足、好满足。 But one day, the first baby bear began to think. 但是,有一天老大熊宝宝开始想了。 He wondered if the other two bears were better than he was. 他想知道另外的两只熊宝宝是不是比他更好。 They had patches, after all, and he did not. 毕竟他们有斑纹,而他没有。 Maybe his mummy really really liked patches. 也许他妈咪真的很喜欢斑纹。 And the second baby bear began to wonder. 然后,老二熊宝宝也开始想了。 Maybe daddy loves the other two more than me, she thought. 她想,也许爹地更爱他们两个比我更多些。 They were boy bears, after all, and she was not. 毕竟,他们是男生,而她不是。 And the third baby bear began to worry. I’m only the littlest, he thought. Everybody’s bigger than me ! 最后,老三熊宝宝也开始担心了。他想,我是最小的,他们都比我大。 So that night the three baby bears asked their Daddy Bear, 所以,那天晚上三只熊宝宝问他们的爹地熊 ” But which one of us do you like most? Who is your favourite? We can’t all be the best.” “到底你最喜欢我们哪一个呢?谁才是你的最爱?我们不可能都是最好的啊!” “Yes you can,” said their Daddy Bear. “I know you can because I heard your mummy say so.“ “可能啊,”爹地熊说,“我知道这是可能的,因为我听到你们的妈咪这样说的。” “When she saw you”-and Daddy Bear picked up the first baby bear to give him a cuddle- “当她看到你,”他把老大熊宝宝抱起来搂在怀里, ”she said, ’That is the most perfect first little bear that anyone has ever seen.’” “她说:‘那可是谁也不曾看到过的最最完美的第一只小熊’” “Even with no patches?” “就算没有斑纹?” “Patches don’t matter at all,” replied his daddy,as he tucked him in. “斑纹根本不算什么。”爹地熊一边回答,一边就把他放到床上去了。 “And when your mummy saw you”-Daddy Bear picked up the second baby bear-”she said,’ That is the most perfect second little bear that anyone has ever seen,’” “而当你妈咪看到你,”他抱起了老二熊宝宝,“她说:‘那时谁也不曾看到过的最最完美的第二只小熊。’” “Even if I’m not a boy?” “就算我不是个男生?” “Girl or boy, it makes no difference,” said her daddy, and he hugged her tight. “女生还是男生,一点关系也没有。”爹地熊一边说着,一边紧紧地抱住她。 “And when your mummy saw you”-Daddy Bear lifted the last baby bear into his arms- “而当你妈咪看到你,”爹地熊举起了最后一只熊宝宝,把他抱进怀里, ”she said,’ That is the most perfect third little bear that anyone has ever seen.’” “她说:‘那可是谁也不曾看到过的最最完美的第三只小熊。’” “Even if I’m the littlest ?” “就算我是最小的?” “Biggly or littley, we love you just the same. So there. Three favourites. You’re all my favourites!” “不管大还是小,我们爱你都是一样的。所以啰,三个最爱,你们全都是我的最爱。” And the best baby bears in the whole wide world went to sleep as happily as could be, because that was a good answer too. 这个世界上最最好的熊宝宝们好快乐、好快乐地睡着了,因为这也真是个好答案。 欢迎关注“小木绘本”,每天读1本经典绘本!
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