冀教三起五年级上Unit2 相关习题

冀教三起五年级上Unit2 相关习题

2022-10-25    11'03''

主播: 爱心永驻🐴

1109 4

L7 1.This is (一张…地图) the world. 2.We (住) in China. We (讲汉语). 3.Beijing is the (首都) city of China! 4.This is the (旗) of China. 5.It (有) five yellow (星星). 6.This is (天安门广场) in Beijing. 7.This is (故宫). 8.This is (长城). L8 1.This (国家) is Canada. 2.I (知道、了解) Canada. 3.I (知道) they speak (英语)in Canada.​ 4.The capital city of Canada is (Beijing/Ottawa). 5.The flag of Canada (有) a red (叶子)on it. 6. (尼亚加拉大瀑布) and (加拿大国家电视塔) are in Canada. L9 1.This is a map (in/at/of) (美国). 2.What country is (紧邻的) the U.S.? 3.They speak (Chinese/English) in the U.S.. 4.The capital city of the U.S. is (华盛顿哥伦比亚特区). 5.The flag of the U.S. (有) (星星)and stripes. 6.The president of the U.S. (live/lives) in the White House. L10 1.The capital city of the U.K. is (伦敦). 2.Big Ben (有) a very big (钟). 3. (这里) is the flag of the U.K.. 4.The U.K. has a (国王) (或者)a (女王). 5.Kings and queens (住) in palaces. L11 1.The capital city of (澳大利亚)is (堪 培拉). 2.I know they (讲英语)in Australia. 3.Do you see a little (旗) (在里面) Australia's flag? 4. (袋鼠) live in Australia. 5.Australia (有) many (美丽的) (海滩) L12 1.My family (住)in many different (国家). 2.She (讲)English. 3.She (喜欢)to (喝茶)with the queen at the palace. 4.How (do/does)he go to the beach ? (乘)kangaroo.