《你不爱我,我不怪你》文 婆城三娃 合诵 雪花飘飘&李天强

《你不爱我,我不怪你》文 婆城三娃 合诵 雪花飘飘&李天强

2021-03-20    06'27''

主播: 雪花飘飘👑

677 4

《你不爱我.我不怪你》 《You do not love me,I do not blame you》 文/婆城三娃II英译/李天强 朗诵/雪花飘飘&李天强 后期合成:雪花飘飘 每个人都有一个秘密 Everyone has a secret 不为人知 Others do not know 每个人都有一朵玫瑰 Everyone has a rose 种在心里 Which grows in his heart 你不爱我,我不怪你 You do not love me,I do not blame you 我的玫瑰,只等你采 My rose is waiting for you to pick 你的情花,只为他开 Your love flower blooms just for him 若不是有缘的人 If he is not the destined person 双手必刺入荆棘 Thorns will penetrate into both his hands 你不爱我,我不怪你 You do not love me,I do not blame you 每个人都有两行热泪 Everyone has two lines of hot tears 每个人都有一个故事 Everyone has a story 你的故事没我 I am not in your story 我的眼泪有你 But you are in my tears 你不爱我,我不怪你 You do not love me,I do not blame you 我把最深的爱 I hide the deepest love 藏在心中 In my heart 你把最痛的爱 You give the most painful love 交他手里 To his hand 你不爱我,我不怪你 You do not love me,I do not blame you 你曾怎样的爱过一个人 How did you ever love someone 我便怎样的爱过你 I loved you in the same way 你无须不安 You need not be uneasy 也不必抱歉 You need not be sorry 爱或被爱,都不埋怨 Love or be loved,do not complain 你若安好,便是晴天! If you are well, it will be sunny 你不爱我,我不怪你… You do not love me,I do not blame you