Angie学加州一年级语文之 - two hungry elephants

Angie学加州一年级语文之 - two hungry elephants

2016-01-24    08'55''

主播: Teacher Gloria

390 12

Two Hungry Elephants by Vita Jimenez illustrated by Bernard Adnet Lucy was very, very hungry. She hadn't eaten for days. She felt weak and dizzy. Tom was very hungry too. Finding food was an emergency for both of them! Tom found a tree with leaves, but he was too late! Others were busy eating. "There aren't enough leaves to share," said one elephant. "I demand that you go away." Tom kept walking. Lucy kept walking. Finally, they found a tree. They could not believe their eyes! "My name is Tom," said Tom. "Mine's Lucy," said Lucy. "Are you hungry?" "I'm starving!" said Tom. "The leaves are on top," said Lucy. "How can we reach them?" "I'll shake them down," said Tom. He tried, but it didn't work. Lucy found an old piece of wood. It looked like a door. "Maybe this will help," she said. She tapped it against the tree, but nothing happened. "I think I have the answer," said Tom. "Let's work together." He reached up with his trunk. He brought the branch down. Lucy picked off the leaves with her trunk. Lucy and Tom weren't hungry anymore!