

2014-03-28    03'57''

主播: 轻松调频 MEDIA SCAN

548 60

通常我们认为女性受教育程度越高,就越不容易成为家庭暴力的受害者.然而,有研究显示,在印度情况恰恰相反. Women who are well educated and financially independent are often thought to be less vulnerable in domestic relationships. But The Wall Street Journal reports that a new study of Indian women has found the opposite: women who are more educated than their husbands, or who earn more, face a greater threat of domestic violence. 在印度家庭里,妻子的受教育程度高于丈夫,或者挣钱比丈夫多,反倒更有可能遭受家庭暴力的威胁. The study, published in Population and Development Review, a quarterly journal of the Population Council, a U.S.-based nonprofit, found that women more educated than their husbands were 28% more likely to suffer domestic violence than women less educated than their husbands. And women who were the sole breadwinners in the family were roughly 48% more likely to face domestic violence than unemployed women whose husbands were employed.