

2014-07-16    04'03''

主播: 轻松调频 MEDIA SCAN

1200 98

南华早报:消费者在餐馆消费时经常发现他们的付款金额中有一些"隐性消费项目",很多消费者在毫不知情的情况下,就付了款.而且这样的现象还越来越多. The South China Morning Post: the consumer watchdog has found diners are finding unreasonable hidden charges in their restaurant bills increasingly hard to swallow. The Consumer Council recorded 423 complaints about restaurants in the first half of the year alone, a 13 per cent increase from the same period a year ago. Practices complained about included prices being rounded up to whole numbers and charity donations being added without consent. The watchdog said most involved negligible amounts of money, reflecting "strong consumer dissatisfaction over unfair trade practices rather than personal loss".