

2014-07-22    05'19''

主播: 轻松调频 MEDIA SCAN

2920 57

万恶的美帝公司! New York Daily: A Chicago faucet company is disciplining workers who spend more than six minutes a day in the bathroom — and monitoring time spent in the stall with a swipe card system. 纽约日报:芝加哥的一家公司规定其员工每日使用卫生间的时间不得超过6分钟,甚至启用刷卡系统. Nineteen workers who build sink stations at WaterSaver Faucet Co. were disciplined for exceeding their allotted bathroom time of 30 minutes per week - or just six minutes a day, the Teamsters Local 743 said in a complaint filed with the National Labor Relations Board. The company installed a tracking system early this year that requires workers to swipe their ID cards to enter the bathroom so their time can be closely monitored.