

2014-07-23    02'38''

主播: 轻松调频 MEDIA SCAN

980 33

德国队经历了一个月的苦战才拿到2014年世界杯的冠军,但只用了约一周就把他们梦寐以求的冠军奖杯给摔坏了.德国足协主席尼尔斯巴赫说,德国队在决赛的加时阶段1比0战胜阿根廷,夺冠后的庆祝活动兴奋过头,把大力神杯的复制品摔出一个缺口. Los Angeles Times: it took the Germans a month of grueling matches to win the World Cup, but it took them only about a week to damage their coveted trophy. The 2014 tournament winners chipped off a piece of their replica World Cup trophy during wild celebrations in the aftermath of their 1-0 extra-time win against Argentina.