

2014-07-24    04'43''

主播: 轻松调频 MEDIA SCAN

1888 47

这些天,国内外空难意外不断.美国有对父子驾驶一架单引擎小飞机环游世界,就在壮举即将实现时,两人驾驶的飞机不幸坠海. BBC News: A US teenager and his father who crashed during an attempt to fly around the world knew the risks of the journey. Haris Suleman, 17, of Indiana, and father Babar crashed their Beechcraft into the ocean near American Samoa. Haris' body has been recovered but that of Babar has not. On Tuesday they were on the final leg of an attempt to fly around the world in 30 days to raise money for a charity that builds schools in Pakistan.