

2014-08-04    02'27''

主播: 轻松调频 MEDIA SCAN

1287 65

英国独立报:丹麦研究人员目前研制出迄今为止最快的网络.有了它,你可以在一眨眼的时间内备份你的电脑硬盘.下载约1G的电影只需要花0.2毫秒,理论上一秒内你就可下载数千部电影. The Independent: The fastest-ever network has been developed and demonstrated by a team of Danish researchers. They say the breakthrough could greatly improve the speed of the commercial internet. The team from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), says the record-breaking network can transfer more than five terabytes of data per second. For comparison, the entire hard drive of a MacBook Pro laptop is only half a terabyte. This means you could back up your computer's hard drive in the blink of an eye. To download a movie (around 1GB) would take a fraction of a millisecond; you could theoretically download thousands in under a second.