

2014-08-05    03'20''

主播: 轻松调频 MEDIA SCAN

1003 38

印度新德里近日饱受猕猴之灾,它们破门入户,偷走食物.为了驱赶它们,新德里市政府雇佣40名年轻男子假扮叶猴,从而"以猴制猴".除了外表伪装外,他们还模仿叶猴的叫声,会突然从树丛中跳出来吓跑猕猴. The Daily Mail reports: Lurking in the streets of central New Delhi are a group of men who are being paid good money to do nothing more than just ape about literally. With their faces painted grey and white, they have adopted the antics of the langur species of monkey in order to scare away their pesky macaque cousins which break into houses, steal food and scare the living daylights out of residents. So the New Delhi Municipal Council has decided to turn the tables and put the frighteners into the cheeky raiders by setting the more ferocious langur monkeys onto them - even if they are only men in disguise. The plan appears to be working well.