Olivia 小猪奥利维亚

Olivia 小猪奥利维亚

2017-08-18    04'49''

主播: 米乐英语KKtalkee

115 3

关注微信公众号:KKTalkee(KKTalkee) ,获取更多英语学习资源。 一起来听听今晚的睡前故事吧~~ This is Olivia. She is good at lots of things. 这是奥利维亚,她擅长干很多事。 She is very good at wearing people out. 她擅长于把人累晕。 She even wears herself out. 有时连她自己都累晕了。 Olivia has a little brother named Ian. He's always copying. 奥利维亚有个弟弟叫伊恩。他总爱模仿别人。 Sometimes Ian just won't leave her alone, so Olivia has to be firm. 伊恩有时就是不愿给她一刻的空歇, 这时奥利维亚就会装作一副很严苛的样子。 livia lives with her mother, her father, her brother, her dog, Perry, and Edwin, the cat. 奥利维亚和她的爸爸、妈妈、弟弟、小狗佩里和小猫爱德温住在一起。 In the morning, after she gets up, and moves the cat, 早上起床后,她先抱她的小猫离开房间。 and brushes her teeth,and combs her ears,and moves the cat. 刷好牙、理一理她的耳朵,然后把小猫抱出洗手间。 Olivia gets dressed. She has to try on everything. 奥利维亚开始打扮了。她把每件衣服都试了一遍。 On sunny days, Olivia likes to go to the beach. 天气晴朗的时候,奥利维亚喜欢去海边。 She feels it's important to come prepared. 当然之前她要准备好一切。 Last summer when Olivia was little, 去年夏天的时候,那时奥利维亚还小, her mother showed her how to make sand castles. 她的妈妈教她雕沙堡。 She got pretty good. 她做的非常好。 Sometimes Olivia likes to bask in the sun. 奥利维亚有时喜欢晒晒太阳。 When her mother sees that she's had enough, they go home. 当她妈妈觉得她晒得够多了时他们就回家。 Every day Olivia is supposed to take a nap. 每天奥利维亚都被要求睡午觉。 "It's time for your you-know-what," her mother says “你知道现在该干嘛了吧。”她妈妈说。 Of course Olivia's not at all sleepy. 当然奥利维亚没有一丝倦意。 On rainy days, Olivia likes to go to the museum. 下雨天的时候,奥利维亚喜欢去博物馆。 She heads straight for her favorite picture. 她会一直看着她最喜欢的那幅画。 Olivia looks at it for a long time. 奥利维亚盯着它看了很久。 What could she be thinking? 她在想什么呢? But there is one painting Olivia just doesn't get. 但那儿有一幅画奥利维亚一直没能理解。 But there is one painting Olivia just doesn't get. “我五分钟内就能画出一幅这样的画,”她对妈妈说。 As soon as she gets home she gives it a try. 回家后她就这样做了。 Time out. 时间到。 After a nice bath, and a nice dinner, it's time for bed. 舒舒服服的洗完澡后,她美美的吃了一餐,然后睡觉。 But of course Olivia's not at all sleepy. 但是奥利维亚当然还不想睡。 "Only five books tonight, Mommy," she says. “妈妈,今晚就只读五本书,”她说。 "No, Olivia, just one." “不,奥利维亚,只能读一本。” "How about four?" “那就四本行吗?” "Two." “两本。” "Three." “三本。” "Oh, all right, three. But that's it!" “好吧,那就三本。但只有这些!” When they've finished reading, 当故事都讲完的时候, Olivia's mother gives her a kiss and says, 奥利维亚的妈妈亲了亲她说 "You know, you really wear me out. But I love you anyway." “你知道吗,你真是让我累晕了,但我还是很爱你。” And Olivia gives her a kiss back and says, 奥利维亚也亲了亲妈妈说, "I love you anyway too." “我也很爱你。”