哈尼贝贝熊英文绘本故事Goodnight Moon

哈尼贝贝熊英文绘本故事Goodnight Moon

2017-11-15    05'52''

主播: 哈尼贝贝熊

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《Goodnight moon》  作者介绍:Margaret Wise Brown (玛格丽特.怀兹.布朗)美国图画书界先驱性人物,“黄金时代”代表人物之一,天才图画书作家,4次凯迪克奖获得者。绘者:Clement Hurd( 克雷门·赫德),美国图画书界先驱性人物,“黄金时代”代表人物之一,著名插画家。生于纽约,毕业于耶鲁大学。两人合作的经典代表作除了《Goodnight moon 》还有《The runaway bunny》。  绘本内容及特色介绍:这本绘本讲述了一只小兔子睡觉前对房间里的所以事物,对月亮,对星星,天空等都一一说晚安的故事。绘本设计成一张彩页一张黑白画面连接, 让宝宝熟悉房间里的陈设,全景和个体事物的差异,每幅图上时间在悄悄溜走,光线慢慢变暗,整个世界都安静下来了,如果看过《逃家小兔》的人不难发现在这本绘本里出现了《逃家小兔》里的插画,就连封面设计都是一个风格,整体倾斜的感觉。这种字体我非常喜欢,给人一种柔和亲近感。尤其是以最可爱的兔子为主角,更能吸引宝宝的目光。这本被誉为所有人最喜爱的睡觉时间的绘本,确实会给人带来安宁,让不肯入睡的宝宝在一声声“晚安”中安静下来,和小兔子一样进入梦乡。 全文内容: the great green room there was a telephone and a red bollon and a picture of the cow jumping over the moon. and there were three little bears sitting on chairs and two little kittens and a pair of mittens and a little toyhouse and a young mouse and a comb and a brush and a bowl full of mush and a quiet old lady who was whispering hush Goodnight room. Goodnight moon. Goodnight cow jumping over the moon. Goodnight light, and the red balloon... Goodnight bears,Goodnight chairs Goodnight kittens,Goodnight mittens Goodnight clocks, Goodnight socks Goodnight little house,and Goodnight mouse Goodnight comb and Goodnight brush Goodnight nobody, Goodnight mush and Goodnight to the old lady whispering hush Goodnight stars Goodnight air Goodnight noises everywhere. 真是庆幸拥有一本《Goodnight moon》,这不单单是一本好的睡前故事书,更是一本能让人感受到时间流动,天色渐暗的科普书,也是一本有许多小动物和平共处的童话书。还是一本引申了其他绘本的拓展书,无论大朋友小朋友都会喜欢的经典书。