20170227 review days, seasons, months
2017-02-28 0评论
20171207 PK5 20180120 PK6 20180126 PK9 unit9-night -Shadow 20180616 PK8 20180817 PK7
2017-02-28 0评论
20170225 小一班
2017-02-26 0评论
20170225 sm3-115
2017-02-26 0评论
20170223 PK5 How's the weather today
2017-02-24 0评论
20171118 PK6 20171103 PK9 20180303 PK 8 PK7 20180323 20180707 How's the weather today?
2017-02-24 0评论
20171118 PK6 20170223 review clothes(put on your …, I am wearing …)
2017-02-24 0评论
20170227 SM2- p41
2017-02-22 0评论
20170220 PK1 - months
2017-02-21 1评论
20170218 小一班
2017-02-19 0评论