170731 吃好混好睡懒觉!Eat well, play around, and sleep late.(2 hrs, 11, Jenny)
2017-08-01 0评论
170731 我拉屎撒尿啦!I pooped and pissed. ( 11, Hannah )
2017-08-01 0评论
170729 How do you shop for clothes in Shenzhen 深圳女孩如何购衣(3 hrs_6, Sophia)
2017-08-01 0评论
望海潮.东南形胜- 柳永
2017-08-01 2评论
170731 It heals as it conceals. 怎么遮粉刺?
2017-07-31 0评论
170730 Did you have fun today, Class 3010, Hannah
2017-07-31 0评论
Taffany (英文诗原创)
2017-07-30 0评论
170730 The hens. 凤酋:惊起一林鸟!(最美动物诗集 28)
2017-07-30 0评论
170728 What time are you gonna set off, Class 3009, Hannah
2017-07-30 2评论
170729 I want to hold your hand. (最伟大的英文歌曲No.6!)
2017-07-29 1评论