01 00:00 miscél - When You Left 02 02:44 Jay-Lounge & Jordy Chandra - Puddles 03 06:10 hoogway - soulful eyes 04 09:08 Jordy Chandra - Reminiscing Night 05 12:40 WYS - Have A Beer 06 15:38 lofty - locked away (ft. imfinenow) 07 17:08 Jordy Chandra - Talking to You On a Rain Day 08 19:36 biosphere - when im rome 09 22:00 Nohone - Nothing But A Dream 10 24:46 BeyondChivalry - r e l a x i n g 11 26:48 bace - the train (where i met you) 12 29:56 Dragon Roots - October 13 33:00 Styn, Sebastian Kamae & Sleepermane - Bonsai 14 35:26 Chef Boy RJ - Moss Garden 15 37:36 Poik Lounge - Feeling Ocean 16 39:14 biosphere - expectations