

2018-10-01    95'26''

主播: ~北辰~

571 2

歌词With the Flowers everywhere With结构的用法 特别简单,但特别常用 基本含义:和;有;用 1.I don’t want to play with you! 我不想和你玩儿!(play可以换成quarrel争吵等) 2.There is a girl with a ponytail.(那儿是个扎着(有)马尾的女孩) 3.I write with a pen.我用钢笔写。 4.with+名词+形容词 He came into the room, with his nose red.他来到房间里,鼻子红红的。(可能因为冷) 5.with+名词+副词 With her parents far away, she feel lonely.爸妈不在身边,她感到很孤单。 He can’t sleep with the light on.灯亮着,他睡不着。 6.with+名词+介词短语 The teacher went into the classroom with a book in his hand.老师走进教室,手里拿着一本书。