拉丁音乐(Latin music)拉丁美洲是一个多民族的组合,因此拉丁音乐是以多种音乐的融合而形成的一种多元化的混合型音乐。
接下来的三周会有很多西班牙葡萄牙语言的儿歌和童谣,Salsa、探戈、伦巴等拉丁舞步中不同节奏的体验以及拉丁乐器的多样化音色。Guiro,就是乐器盒子里最眼生的那个乐器,将会在本期音乐中隆重登场成为主角。Guiro 中文名:锯琴、蛙鸣器
1 .Pulgarcito (thumkin)
Pulgarcito, donde estas?
Aqui estoy? Aqui estoy?
Como esta usted? muy bien, usted?
Adios, adios
Where is thumkin? where is thumkin?
Here I am, here i am.
How are you today sir? Very well I thank you.
Run away, run away
2. Los pollitos (BB chicks)
Baby chicks are singing
Mama we are hungry
Mama we are cold
Pio,pio,pio, pio, pio,pio,pio
pio pio是象声词,形容小鸡的叫声,相当于中文里的唧唧复唧唧。很庆幸,认识一个会西班牙语的同志,这厮极其耐心的提供了他儿时的原版。如下,
Los pollitos dicen, pio, pio, pio
Cuando tienen hambre
Cuando tienen frio
Pio,pio,pio, Pio
3.- Matarile
Oh what do you want?
Oh what do you want?
Matarile,rile ron.
Oh, I want to clap/lie/sleep...
Oh, I want to clap/lie/sleep...
-4. Cho-co-la-te
Bate, bate, cho-co-la-te
Tu nariz de ca-ca-hua-te
Uno, dos, tres, CHO
Uno, dos, tres, CO
Uno, dos, tres, LA
Uno, dos, tres, TE
Bate, bate cho-co-la—te
Uno, dos, tres 揍是1、2、3.
1、2、3 巧~(拍手)
1、2、3 克~(拍手)
1、2、3 力~(拍手)
-5. Al Tambour/The Drum song
Play the drum, play the drum
Play the drum from Panama
Come on and play the drum
La, la, la, la,la,la,la
Oh Johny my dear friend Johny
Johny my good friend Johny
It's time to play the drum
La, la, la, la, la, la, la
-6. Dos Por Diez
Dos por diez
Dos por diez
Biz-co-chi-tos ca-lien-ti-tos
Dos por diez
-7. El coqui (frog)
Co-qui, co-qui, co-qui, qui, qui, qui, qui
Oh the sound of the frog is enchanting
His voice is so clear and so sweet
As I lie in my bed in the evening
The frog sings me softly to sleep
Co-qui, co-qui, co-qui, qui, qui, qui, qui
-8. Arre Caballito (hurry little pony)
Hurry little pony, there's no need to wait.
Hurry little pony, we're going to be late.
Hurry hurry hurry, we're going to be late.
Hurry hurry hurry, we're going to be late.
Arre caballito, there's no need to wait.
Arre caballito, we're going to be late.
Arre Arre Arre we're going to be late.
Arre Arre Arre we're going to be late.