Dream for your dream.

Dream for your dream.

2017-02-03    05'06''

主播: Cheney🍊

162 1

The dream~ Everyone has one~ But not everyone lives it or even pursues it~ Usually it isn’t the thing itself that stops you~ No matter who you are, there’s always something~ There’s only one thing powerful enough to overcome everything holding you back~ Love~ It is more than just a rational decision that you go after your dream~ It’s a burning passion, a deep rooted emotional attachment~ Now that you are experiencing the high and low,drives you to go after dream~ I am absolutely insane about skateboarding~ We have no courts, we have no lanes~ We don’t have to lay on any team or anyone~ The intricacies of skateboarding is what wears my mind~ There will always be those who can do more than you~ And you will never control the level of expertise around you~ But you can control how hard you look~ It’s not a competition against anyone else~ It’s a battle ~ with yourself~ How you better than you were last year~ Last month~ Last week~ I want you to detach the amount of power right now~ What is the meaning of life for you~ Happiness? Happiness for others? To make it difference? Wisdom? But whatever it maybe~ Only you can decide it for yourself~ People only see your success~ But behind the curtain~ I failed a lot more than i succeed~ It’s not about doing the impossible~ It’s matter how you can break it down something impossible~ It tests your metal stamina~ It’s like trying to balance a coin on its side~ One of the simplest form of problem solving~ Do it enough times~ And you will be able to do it faster~ Faster~ If you don’t have a deadline~ You have no excuse but to succeed~ There are moments when no matter what i m doing~ I have to stop, and just skate~ You only get one life to live~ Why would you settle for mediocrity~ Because when you 95 years old~ Staring at out the window~ All you would be able to say~ I did it~
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