

2017-06-05    11'38''

主播: Tina Liu

14384 516

【微信公众号】 Tina大王带你读绘本 情景: 【对话一:Josh求妈妈留下Buddy】 So.. can I keep him? 我能留下他嘛? Don't get funny with me. 别跟我耍花招。 You are making a home for him. 你在给他做房子。 And this is not his home. 这不是他的家! Mom, we can't leave him out in the rain. 妈妈,我们不能在雨天把他扔在外面。 That's totally inhuman. 这也太不人性了吧…… That's the point, Josh. 你正好说到点儿上了。 He's not human. 它根本就不是人类。 He's a stray! 他是一条流浪狗. Do not get attached to this dog. 不要对这个狗产生依赖。 I have way too much on my plate as it is. 我已经忙的焦头烂额了。 We can't dump him before Christmas. 我们不能在圣诞之前把狗甩掉。 【对话二:Josh离家出走】 I am so worried about you. 我担心死你了! Promise me you'll never do that again. 向我保证你再也不会做这种事情了。 I thought he was with you. 我以为他跟你一起呢! He's never done this before. He's never run away. 他从没这样,他从来我离家出走过。 The game starts in an hour. 还有一个小时就要比赛了。