【情景1】好友多天不见,约见吃饭& Catch Up

【情景1】好友多天不见,约见吃饭& Catch Up

2017-10-12    19'46''

主播: Tina Liu

4654 19

【节目优势】 Learn English From Real Life 真实场景,保证你也会经历 摆脱过时的教材,从此接地气 学美国人说的词句,变地道! --主讲人-- Tina 21岁成为英语老师 23岁成为老师的老师 26岁担任分校校长 27岁加入互联网创业团队,研发英语学习APP伴鱼,担任教师运营总监,管理中外教数量7000+ 29岁参与研发少儿绘本APP-伴鱼绘本,从带领孩子们读绘本开始,收获众多小粉丝,大家称呼“Tina大王”。 学生评价: 一颗教苑奇葩,经纪年流转降于醉夏。情感细腻为人宽大,精致如神眷般气质如华。笑容似流苏般历练着岁月浮华,追梦如一心境似诗似画。成熟稳重不失大家之雅,忙碌寂寥性情水灵,与之交往虽无对弈却似品茗,恰如醉夏一樽绿茶。 内容联合主编: Tirzah 美国人,TEFL国际认证教师 爱好瑜伽、旅行、读书、探索各国文化 Tirzah和闺蜜的聊天内容,很多也出现在本系列节目中 随着社会发展,英语已经开始变成普通话,更是自我形象的一部分,你对自己的这口普通话还满意吗?你对自己的形象满意吗? 你是否也时长会遇到这些情况? 1、对自己的口语没有自信,无奈的一次一次聊天只能打字,反复斟酌…… 2、身为英语专业,每次说几句便暴露自己的不地道 3、希望找老外教你英语,但是……不花钱付学费还要请人家吃饭?而且不长久…… 4、满嘴中式英语,自己聊的很high但是别人并不清楚你的意思 5、羡慕学校选中的交流生而却与你无缘 6、想要求自己的孩子好好学英语而被孩子怼回来“你英语都不好凭什么让我学” 7、出国想去地道的餐馆吃饭无奈因为问不了路交流不了只能跑去快餐品牌或者国际品牌任人宰割 【你将获得】 1、全面的生活、工作细节情景,课本、书里学不到! 2、走心、幽默、地道的对话 3、各类场景下的标志性用词 4、闺蜜、朋友的欣赏 【福利】 1、节目中除了讲知识点外,还有分享其他国家的文化小细节,比如美国的婚礼送礼需要新郎新娘提前列好清单,比如英国的公交车文化。 2、Tina和Tirzah的日记,地道记录每天的生活,拿你当好朋友才是王道! 节目每周四更新! 跟着Tina,从此不再做 learning English quitter! 【情景1】好友多天不见,约见吃饭& Catch Up 前提:We havent seen each other in a while so we're just going to have a coffee and catch up! (Catch up: To talk to someone you haven't seen for a while and find out what they have been doing since you last saw them) Anna:Hi Emma. It's good to see you! Emma: You too! This place is nice! Anna: It is, it's one of my favorites! Emma: Have you been here before? Anna: Yes. A few times. (Server passes the menu.) Emma: Thank you!! So what can you recommend? Anna: Usually, I like the pizza here. It's delicious and they do really good coffee and smoothies. Emma: Mmmm.. What do you want? Anna: I'll get an iced latte. ( I want/ I'll have/ I'll take) (I want an iced latte.I'll have an orange juice.I'll take a peppermint tea.I'll get a pineapple smoothie.) Emma: Let's order. It's my shout. I'm getting this. (I want to pay for the meal. I'll get this!) Anna: Are you sure? ( Are you sure you want to buy my lunch?) Emma: Yeah. You got the last one. Oh. I got the juice because it's part of my set. Anna: Here comes the iced lattes! They look good, too! Emma: Ok. Look at all this! So Anna. How is your week been? Anna: It's been pretty good. Pretty busy! Coming to the end of the year. Emma: Is that a bit much? I&`&m trying to cut down.( To start doing less of something, especilly when it's bad for your health) Anna: Thanks! Yum! Emma: Have you tried the new cafe down the street that opened up? Anna: What's it called? Emma: It's called the Bakehouse. I think it&`&s good for breakfast and coffees and things like that. Anna: What are you doing this weekend? Emma: I am visiting my cousin. Emma: That was really nice Ann. It's so good to catch up! See you Ann. Anna: Bye! 把你觉得自己会最常用的留言在下面,加深一遍印象,给自己立个Flag!